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"Sorry" and "Burning hearts" are really good danceable pop songs. In both songs you can see the diversity of this expressive voice. The same applies to the song "Ding Dong" which has an excellent groove with its triplet rhythm. These three songs are examples of what it sounds like when the band positron produces danceable and fast tracks. (PL!TTR Webmag, 2010)

positron "Fade to grey" (Cover) - Original by Visage

positron official
positron "Fade to grey" (Cover) - Original by Visage
positron "Fade to grey" (Cover) - Original by Visage

positron "Fade to grey" (Cover) - Original by Visage

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positron official - "I feel like wow" (2006) - Electropop

positron official - "I feel like wow" (2006) - Electropop

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"positron can do ballads too. And they are good at it. With "Down Here" from 2007, the pop duo presents a fragile-sounding ballad that is mainly carried by an electric piano. With "Fearful soul" from 2008 a really impressive song was written. A ballad that starts off quietly and really builds into a loud powerful song. A great voice that can easily keep up with many prominent voices. In early 2012, positron released another ballad titled "Hold my hand". Actually a pure piano ballad with a mood like from a winter romance. However, electronic sounds and effects were placed cleverly and discreetly to frame the piano." (Pacific audioblog 2012)

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